What is IndyScene?
IndyScene is a fun and free event app that allows you to discover all of Colorado Springs’ most popular happenings in one convenient location. With IndyScene, you can bookmark your favorite things to do and events, invite friends and make plans, all in a private, personalized environment. Download the app today for access to thousands of happy hours, deals and area events.
How much does the app cost?
IndyScene is completely free for everyone.
What does the app do?
IndyScene helps you discover amazing things to do, events, activities, happy hours, bars, restaurants, and deals in Colorado Springs. You can buy tickets, plus share and create plans with friends right from the app.
IndyScene features
Where can I get the app?
The app is available for iPhone and Android.
iOS iTunes App Store: IndyScene App
Android Google Play Store: IndyScene App
You can also download the app by texting “scene” to 77948
How can I advertise my business or event in the App?
There are many advertising opportunities available across various segments of the app. For more information contact sales at sales@csindy.com or (719)577-4545.